In 2023, value-added per worker rose 0.8%, and was 21% below the U.S. average.
No significant movement since the last available data
Benchmark: Maine’s value-added per worker will improve to within 15% of the U.S. average by 2030.
This indicator measures the productivity of workers by dividing gross domestic product by the total number of part- and full-time jobs. Maine has a relatively high share of part-time jobs, which lowers our value added per worker. Productivity also reflects skill levels, business costs, and a region’s mix of industries.
Worker productivity in Maine is lower than in most other states, but it has been increasing. Maine ranked 43rd among the 50 states in 2023, up from 48th in 2016. Adjusted for inflation, value added rose 0.8% to $117,549 per worker. The U.S., New England, and EPSCoR* states grew 0.8%, 0.4%, and 1.2%, respectively. By this measure Maine is now 21% behind the nation, an improvement from 2010-2019, when Maine trailed the U.S. by 25% on average.
Both the Council and the State’s 10-Year Economic Strategy draw attention to the importance of increasing value added to grow Maine’s economy and boost wages. The Council seeks for Maine to be within 15% of the U.S. average by 2030, while the State strives for 10% growth from 2017 levels.
* EPSCoR is the National Science Foundation’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, a program to assist places with historically low levels of funding for research and development. There are 25 states in the program. (See the table of contents for a full list of states
Fig. A
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Real Value-Added per Worker
Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis