Downtown Affiliate Program Application Deadline: October 3, 2025
Healthy, thriving downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts are assets to communities endeavoring to sustain or grow their local economy and create or retain jobs. The Maine Development Foundation’s Maine Downtown Center (MDC) helps communities throughout the state develop local leadership to revitalize their downtown economy, preserve and enhance their appearance, and boost the image of their traditional business districts using a range of services and assistance. We believe Main Streets are for everyone. At the core of our approach to revitalization is a commitment to creating places of shared prosperity, equal access to opportunity, and inclusive engagement.
As the Maine State Coordinator for the National Main Street Program, MDC utilizes the successful Main Street Four-Point Approach® developed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, as the foundation for our work. This place-based and historic-preservation based approach to economic development is over 40 years old and is used across the country in communities of all sizes.
1. Organization helps everyone work towards the same revitalization goals and maximizes involvement of public and private leaders within the community;
2. Design preserves and protects historic buildings and community character and enhances a downtown’s appearance through streetscape improvements and pedestrian amenities;
3. Promotion attracts visitors and residents, shoppers and diners, and helps create a positive, exciting atmosphere downtown;
4. Economic vitality stimulates business development and helps strengthen the downtown economic base through business retention and recruitment.
The Maine Downtown Center, a program of the Maine Development Foundation, was founded in 1999. Our program includes the Main Street and the Maine Downtown Affiliate programs. Currently, 14 communities across the state participate in the Maine Downtown Affiliate (MDA) program: Calais, Dover-Foxcroft, Friends of Woodfords Corner – Portland, Hallowell, Houlton, Lisbon, Machias, Madawaska, Monson, Norway, Old Town, Rumford, Van Buren, and Waterville.
The MDA program provides a range of services and assistance to meet a variety of community commitment and readiness levels. MDA designation is for communities actively and enthusiastically involved in developing their downtown revitalization efforts and/or for those communities hoping to achieve Main Street status in the future. Only MDA communities are eligible to apply for designation as a Main Street community.
MDA services help communities build an appropriate organizational and funding base for a comprehensive downtown or neighborhood commercial district revitalization program. Participation as an MDA community does not guarantee selection as a future designated Main Street community, although it will help communities focus and strengthen their revitalization efforts. A core service to MDA communities is access to training by state and national downtown development and preservation experts through Maine Downtown Institutes, webinars and other learning opportunities. MDA communities have the opportunity to learn about best practices in the field, apply what they learned and to network with peers from around the state. Success requires an ongoing commitment.
MDA members automatically receive MDF membership. See MDF’s website for full details on benefits of membership.
Communities who are actively organized in their downtown efforts within the context of the Main Street Four Point Approach® and have connected with the Maine Downtown Center for training will receive priority. Specifically, this includes attendance by local downtown leaders at MDC Downtown Institute sessions or webinars and developing downtown-passionate volunteers from across the community. Engaged volunteers are an essential component.