Maine Downtown Center Webinar
Community Visioning
Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2019
A 45 minute webinar highlighting the community visioning process in two Maine Downtown Affiliates, Gorham and Bucksport. President of Gorham Village Alliance, Kathy Garrard and Director of Main Street Bucksport, Brook Minner, will join MDC Program Director, Anne Ball to discuss each of their approaches to downtown visioning. The conversation will include all aspects of the process from hiring a contractor, community surveys, interviews, community meetings and reporting on the outcomes as well as how Gorham and Bucksport are using their results.
Handouts from this event:
Presentation Slides: Community Visioning Process
Webinar Recording Link
Gorham Village Alliance Vision 2019
Gorham Village Alliance Community Visioning Meeting Responses
Bucksport Heart & Soul Values
Main Street Bucksport Strategic Plan
Gorham Village Alliance Volunteer Card