Women Transforming Leadership: Carrie Arnold
Silenced and Sidelined: Finding voice in troubling times
Date: Thursday, February 11, 2021

This presentation covers the phenomenon of silencing while highlighting original research findings; it also reviews strategies people have used to recover and lead with voice currency. The silenced leader is a paradox as leadership implies a sense of voice and efficacy. Leaders need to communicate their purpose and vision to enlist followers. This is hardly done through silence, yet Arnold’s research suggests many sitting in senior roles feel silenced.
There are three categories of silencing: Systems, Relationships, and the Self. It is a myth to assume men always silence women. Women silence other women in equal, and at times, more painful ways. The impact of silencing can be severe, which requires greater awareness. Voice recovery relies on the ability to focus on the phenomenon and frame it as a virus. Second, there are strategies to heal and develop a resiliency that requires a shift in focus.
“Everyone is capable of being a silencer, and it is not always a male to female dynamic. This session engages both men and women on the importance of using a purposeful and effective voice, recovering from silencing experiences. The session also provides strategies on what it means to be an ally of each gender.”
Carrie Arnold is the author of Silenced and Sidelined: How women leaders find their voices and break barriers and is the Principal for The Willow Group. Carrie also serves as the program director for the evidence based coaching program at Fielding Graduate University.
Women Transforming Leadership is a highly engaging series of eight monthly 3-hour sessions with national or international presenters focused on women framing and tackling some of the most compelling issues of our times. Listen, ask good questions in the Q&A, connect and explore topics in breakout rooms. Be ready to engage. Each session will also feature a final round of opportunities for connection and action.
This is one of a series of eight Women Transforming Leadership events being offered between December 2020 through 2021.
COVID 19 Considerations:
~ MDF will use the Governor’s guidelines to ensure the safe delivery of our programs. This includes masks, distancing, testing, vaccinations, date changes, virtual sessions if necessary, cancellations, and other strategies as guidance related to COVID19 is adjusted to match pandemic indicators.
~ If you sign up and pay for a session, series or cohort and must withdraw because of COVID19’s impact on you, your family, or your business, you can choose to pay it forward to future programs or request a pro-rated refund for missed programming.