REvitalizeME Downtown Grant Pre-Application Webinar
Date: Thursday, May 01, 2025
Location: Virtual
REGISTER NOW »12:30-2:00PM
The Maine Development Foundation (MDF) and its partner, the Maine Historic Preservation Commission (Commission) are administering a grant program for historic preservation and economic development entitled REvitalizeME Downtown (RMD). RMD is supported through a grant from the Historic Preservation Fund Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant Program as administered by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior.
RMD grants are for preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation of historic properties in the downtown areas of 23 current MDC member communities (Main Street or Affiliates, listed below). The properties eligible for this subgrant program will be those that provide infrastructure (broadly defined) that contribute to the social and economic life of the town and the surrounding area, and that represent the history of the local community. In order to stimulate local investment, subgrants will be matched by the recipients at 20% percent of the requested grant funds.
See our info sheet here: REvitalizeME Info Sheet
Eligible communities include:
- Augusta
- Bath
- Belfast
- Biddeford
- Brunswick
- Calais
- Dover-Foxcroft
- Ellsworth
- Gardiner
- Hallowell
- Houlton
- Lisbon
- Madawaska
- Monson
- Norway
- Old Town
- Rockland
- Rumford
- Saco
- Skowhegan
- Van Buren
- Waterville
- Westbrook