2024 MDC Board Roles and Responsibilities
Presented in partnership with the Maine Association of Nonprofits
Date: Wednesday, April 03, 2024
Location: Virtual
This webinar is for individuals already serving on nonprofit boards who are seeking an overview of their roles and responsibilities. Board members who have at least six months of board service will gain the most from participation. It is strongly suggested that multiple board members from the same organization and the executive director participate as a team for maximum benefit.
Board Roles & Responsibilities
Introduction + Overview
Overarching Principles
● Role Clarity
● Legal/Fiduciary Duties
Governance as Leadership
Core Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards
● Board’s To Do List
● Board Role vs. ED Role
Build an Engaged Board
● Strategic Board Recruitment
● Board Self-Assessment
● Role of Governance Committee
● Consent Agenda
How to be a Great Board Member
Q + A
Thanks to the generosity of Kennebec Savings Bank, the Maine Downtown Center is able to offer $50 participation stipends to downtown leaders and volunteers from Augusta, Gardiner, Hallowell, Brunswick and Freeport. The stipend of $50 is meant to allow participants to attend more fully by receiving a stipend to use for a babysitter, take-out dinner because you are not able to cook that night, or generally to allow more people to participate in this training.