Policy Leaders Academy: Maine’s Future Economy – Talent
Economic Recovery Session 1 - Focus on Talent
Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
Time: 8:00-9:30am
Location: Via Zoom
As Maine’s population continues to age, there’s a premium on every working-age citizen contributing to the State’s economy. Ambitious goals have been set to add 75,000 people to the workforce over the next 10 years, and for 60% of Mainers to hold education and workforce credentials of value by 2025. This session will focus on talent development across Maine, examining K-12 education, postsecondary education, and on-the-job training. Panelists will discuss in-demand skills, jobs, and multiple pathways to training and employment for Mainers of all ages, skill levels, and backgrounds.
- Jason Judd (moderator), Executive Director, Educate Maine
- Rebecca Wyke, President, University of Maine Augusta
- James Herbert, President, University of New England
- Catharine MacLaren, Vice President of Talent and Diversity, Northern Light Health
- Mike Ballesteros, Director of Organizational Development, Puritan Medical Products
- Dan Lesko, 2019 Graduate of University of Maine, Current CTO at KinoTek, Inc.
- Celena Zacchai, UMA Rockland student and 2020 Maine Policy Scholar
- Eliza Kenigsberg, Career Coordinator, Aspire Gorham, Gorham High School
- Ian Yaffe, Executive Director, Mano en Mano
These events are for legislators only and are free of charge. Please RSVP Julie Beane at jbeane@mdf.org.
PLA funding partners:

Additional funding partners:

Policy Leaders Academy is a program of Maine Development Foundation, with strong financial and personnel support from several prominent Maine foundations and organizations committed to a prosperous and thriving state. The generous support of these organizations allows MDF to leverage expertise from across Maine to provide legislators with rich learning opportunities at no cost to individual legislators.