Policy Leaders Academy: Maine’s Future Economy – Infrastructure
Economic Recovery Session 2 - Focus on Infrastructure
Date: Friday, January 29, 2021
Time: 8:00-9:30am
Location: Via Zoom
Economic recovery doesn’t occur in a vacuum – it is helped or hindered by available infrastructure. This session will look at Maine’s current infrastructure (healthcare, childcare, schools, housing, transportation, broadband, etc.) and explore which players (the private sector, public institutions, government, etc.) and what strategies can best support a sustained economic recovery.
Moderator: Susan Corbett, National Digital Equity Center
Presenters: Kate Homer, The Jackson Laboratory; Larry Shaw, MMG Insurance; Dr. James Jarvis, Northern Light Health.
These events are for legislators only and are free of charge. Please RSVP Julie Beane at jbeane@mdf.org.
PLA funding partners:

Additional funding partners:

Policy Leaders Academy is a program of Maine Development Foundation, with strong financial and personnel support from several prominent Maine foundations and organizations committed to a prosperous and thriving state. The generous support of these organizations allows MDF to leverage expertise from across Maine to provide legislators with rich learning opportunities at no cost to individual legislators.