ICL 30th Anniversary Elephant Class Graduation
Gather with classmates, colleagues, friends, and family to celebrate our 30th Anniversary Elephant Class graduation.
Date: Friday, April 12, 2024
Location: The Woodlands Club, 39 Woods Road Falmouth, ME 04105
REGISTER NOW »11:30am – Registration
11:45 – 12:15pm – Welcome & Lunch
Jan Kearce, ICL Program Director
12:15 – 2:00pm Program & Graduation
- Keynote Address: Tony Payne, recently retired, former Senior Vice President of External Affairs at MEMIC, and MDF’s 2023 ICL Distinguished Alum Awardee
- Class Speakers
- Elephant Class Graduation Ceremony

Keynote Speaker Tony Payne, recently retired, was the Senior Vice President of External Affairs at MEMIC, Maine’s largest workers’ compensation insurance company. He is a Beta Class graduate (1995) of the ICL Intensive and former board chair of ICL. He has employed those organizational and collaborative leadership skills throughout his professional and civic life including service on the Falmouth Town Council, Chair of the Board of Visitors for the University of Southern Maine and Executive Director of the Alliance for Maine’s Future. Earlier this year, Tony was recognized for his advocacy work as the 2023 Volunteer of the Year by the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce as well as the ICL Distinguished Alum of the Maine Development Foundation. He and his wife Charlotte have five grown children and reside in Yarmouth.