A strong board of directors is built upon clear understanding of basic roles and responsibilities. This session, presented in partnership with the Maine Association of Nonprofits, will provide an overview of a downtown organization board’s primary legal duties, important responsibilities and essential roles in governing the organization and stewarding its mission. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the role of the board and its responsibilities, and discuss strategies for building and sustaining an effective board.
This webinar is for individuals already serving on Main Street or Affiliate organization boards who are seeking an overview of their roles and responsibilities. Board members who have at least 6 months of board service will gain the most from participation. It is strongly suggested that multiple board members from the same organization and the Executive Director participate as a team for maximum benefit.
This is one of two trainings being offered to all MDC members and their leadership each year. The second training, focusing on the basics of the Main Street Four-Point Approach, will take place in the fall.
There is no charge for MDC Members (Main Streets and Affiliates). The cost is $50 per person for all other attendees. Thanks to the generosity of Kennebec Savings Bank, the Maine Downtown Center is able to offer $50 participation stipends to downtown leaders and volunteers from Augusta, Gardiner, Hallowell, and Brunswick. Please indicate if you are interested and eligible when you register. Contact jcrispe@mdf.org with questions.
Introduction + Overview
Overarching Principles
Role Clarity
– Legal/Fiduciary Duties
– Governance as Leadership
Core Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards
– Board’s To Do List
– Board Role vs. ED Role
Build a Great Board
– Strategic Board Recruitment
– Board Self-Assessment
Q + A
About the Presenter

Jennifer Hutchins became the Executive Director of the Maine Association of Nonprofits in July 2016. Prior to joining MANP, Jennifer was Executive Director of Creative Portland, where she led the City of Portland’s efforts to strengthen the creative economy. Jennifer also served as Director of Communications and External Affairs at the USM Muskie School of Public Service for nine years and Marketing Director at Portland Stage Company from 1995-2000. She has served on several boards during her career, including Visit Portland, the Greater Portland Economic Development Council, the Maine Association of Nonprofits, and most recently the Maine Academy of Modern Music.
Presented in partnership with:

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