We can move mountains.

MDF curricula and training prepares leaders of all types to adapt to ever-changing challenges and opportunities.

Learn more

Catalyze. Strengthen. Guide.

MDF is a non-partisan, statewide driver of sustainable economic growth in Maine. We connect people, decision-makers, and communities through trusted research, leadership development, and creative partnerships to stimulate new ideas, solve problems, and improve lives

How do you put your skills and energy to good use for great causes? 

Join us April 23rd in Brunswick for Projects of Passion: Volunteering & Mentoring Across Maine.



Indicator in Action Blog: Gender Wage Equity

As Maine and the entire country honor Women’s History Month, we dig into the data around gender wage equity and how one Maine leader helped further the cause.

Read the blog and dig into the data.

Hear why Alumni of MDF’s ICL (Institute for Civic Leadership) describe how the program experience and the Alumni Network are career-and-life changing. Applications & nominations are being accepted for the next 2025-2026 Class!

11 Apr

ICL Fort Class Graduation

Gather with classmates, colleagues, friends, and family to celebrate our ICL Fort Class graduation!

23 Apr

Leadership in Action Breakfast: Projects of Passion – Volunteering & Mentoring in Community

7:30 – 10:00 a.m. Join us for an interactive workshop showcasing volunteer and mentoring organizations/opportunities from around the state and how you can put your skills and energy to good use for great causes. Alums and MDF Members who are helping lead these efforts will lead discussions exploring the impact impact these efforts have in communities, on younger generations, and in our own lives.



“MDF is a special creature of state law, enabled to integrate private sector thinking and experience with state government planning and data. There is no other entity like it.”

Kay Rand, Former Chief of Staff, Governor Angus King

Applications being accepted for 2025-2026 ICL & Leadership Maine Classes!

Champion circle members

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